Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hey Join The Blog

Join our group and the revolution – to create what I believe is a “reset” in the way we need to be endorsing by example - alternative energy and environmental stewardship – 1 person at a time – at the same time…
Electric Bikes and or Bikes are just 1 way – but a very simple solution and an easy way to participate. Use your bike to go on short trips to the store and or to meet someone locally – don’t turn on the car to go 1 mile…if everyone did that - we would reduce greenhouse gases by 20% - Most trips made before and after work are within 3 miles. If you use your car to pick up your kids and or you are waiting in line for any period of time…please turn off your engines...ask your self if you could have walked and or road your bike or use some other form of alternative transportation – Light Electric Vehicles – etc. Push for awareness in your community - get involved…each little effort done by hundreds of thousands people – make significant changes. When you travel – ask the resort about bikes to get around the resort or the towns your are visiting – or the cruises you take. Ask your employer if they will allow you to ride a bike to work and offer a safe place to park your bike…tell them about the $ 25.00 per month Federal Tax credit per employee that uses their bike to get to work…go to the local crafts fair and or art show – by bike…don’t take your car and fight and pay for parking…there are so many choices you can make to participate…and make a difference…just by utilizing human transport. Ride often.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Electric Bikes Human Transport and Lifestyle

Electric Bikes as Human Transport: Riding into a sustainable and natural lifestyle, riding gives back more then it takes out. A true negative carbon footprint. Green, Healthy and responsible living through riding, work and play.

“Riding Centers” rather then a retail store, help change behaviors and understanding about electric bikes and or riding a bike for more then pleasure. Bikes as a way to transport...the individual and envrionmental benefits it creates...and the connection to ones family, community and the environment.

The riding center concept becomes a place where individuals can learn and experience Light Electric Vehicles fo themselves and their community.
We need to get on board about human transport, greenhouse gases, being healthy and reduce the dependency on oil. Biking a simple individual solution everyone can participate in!

Anything this blog can do to interact to further the cause of Light Electric Vehicles, is a good and important line of communication. So particpate often.

Electric Bikes human transport discussions on health, reduction of greenhouse gases, dependency on oil, further the cause, educate, share culture & experience, promote a sustainable & natural lifestyle, take little & gives back more. Green, Healthy & Responsible living through riding, work and play.

To live within a sustainable and natural lifestyle, that takes little and gives back more. The Electric Bike provides that particpation. Not only the thrill of riding and pedal when you want, but a new experience of transport where the bike becomes more then recreational - especially in this country. In other countries the bike is and always will be a form of transportation. In America, due to commerce and growth, growth, growth, an insatiable need to grow, cars and trucks are more then transport, but a way of life and commerce has become life.

With the automobile comes a serious consequence - air, pollution, Major roads, hours spent in the car, the demise of local living and culture and community regress - who are our neighbors? and do we share common beliefs and lifestyles?

The bike brings that all back to us...the electric bike makes it fun and puts us in our community for more hours and combines, health, enjoyment and transport – all in one act! An electric bike allows us to share more time with ourselves, the environment around us, our friends and families and our community. It is a simple answer to living a Green, Healthy and responsible lifestyle through work and play. Ride Often!